Skopje, 26th December 2020

Dear passengers,

We would like to inform you that as a result of the latest Decision by the Government of the Republic of Turkey, adopted late last night, to enter Turkey by air, it is mandatory to show a negative PCR test not older than 72 hours. The decision is valid from 28th December 2020 and will be applied until 1st March, 2021.

The airlines flying from Skopje International Airport to the two airports in Istanbul have already informed the passengers of their next flights.

For more information regarding this Decision of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, please contact the relevant airlines
https://www.turkishairlines.com/ and https://www.flypgs.com/ , as well as the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey http://skopje.emb.mfa.gov.tr

Additionally, we would like to kindly ask all passengers traveling through Skopje International Airport and Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport, to check by themselves if there are any changes in COVID-19 policies of the countries of their arrival, prior their travel, with the Embassies in Skopje representing their country of arrival. 

Regarding changes in decisions for mandatory COVID-19 entry test for a certain country, or changes in the restrictive policies imposed by EU for the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, TAV Macedonia as an airport operator is working according to the instructions we received by airlines as well as the decisions of the Governments of those countries.